Marketing Perspective: Social Medi


Marking on social media is growing and has so much potential. The creators behind social media marketing have become known as influencers. Big corporations pay these influences to either highlight their products in a video or product placements. These videos are typically short clips, and have a bigger audience than ever before. Influences have access to viewers across the globe with a click of a button. 

influencer marketing info graphic

Marketing Strategy

There are a few influencers that I follow and I notice similarities in their endorsements. Mostly using product placements that generally mention that the video is sponsored. Companies use influencers strategically to reach a specific audience, by choosing influencers with similar values whose content reaches their target market. 

The role of an influencer is to sell the product to their followers. They typically tell their followers about products, show how they are used and how they like them. Since the influencers have access to so many viewers, companies can reach more people while spending less on marketing. 

The use of marketing perspective impacts the relationship between the company and consumers by creating a more personalized relationship. Consumers are looking for more quality reviews and by getting their favorite influencers to give the review consumers feel more connected to the company. Consumers are also able to start a conversation about the products in the view.
